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Prison Performing Arts

UPDATE 4/22/19: Visit the “Past Productions” tab at the top of our website to revisit past shows!

Everyone at Prison Performing Arts is so excited to announce BIG CHANGES coming to our website. Over the next several months, we'll be cataloging past PPA performances, so that you can view photos, videos, programs, reviews, and other related media from every past PPA performance. 

First and foremost, uploading this media to our website will offer families of our incarcerated and reentering constituents easy and continued access to pictures, programs and videos of in-prison performances featuring their family members.  Additionally, we are building several additional new pages that will showcase the exciting changes that have come to our organization over the last few years.  These include, for example,  PPA's New Play's Initiative, the new look of our programs, artwork, and updated branding.  Adding these show archives and programmatic additions with accompanying videos, programs, artwork, production photos, and any recent media from past PPA performances will celebrate and highlight the innovation and on-going exceptional quality commitment of PPA's seasonal artistic work. Thank you for continuing to follow and support PPA's exciting journey. We're looking forward to painting a more comprehensive and quickly-accessible picture of our work and impact with these new web additions.

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